Low back sequence

A sequence for a tired and achy low back.  You will need:

A wall

A strap/belt

A block/cushion

A bolster (optional)

1. Begin in legs up the wall pose.  If you don’t have wall space you can place your calves on the edge of a bed or chair.

2. Then press feet to the wall and bend knees to peel the back of the body off the floor and down again.

 Image result for bridge up wall yoga

3. Reclined pigeon with wall

4. Easeful rest pose then roll knees from side to side keeping feet hip width.

5. Supta padangusthasana- press the ball of the foot up into a belt, then turn your foot away from you and take the leg out to the side, making sure both sides of the pelvis stay level on the floor.

5. Balasana (option with bolster/cushion between legs).  Place a block under the head if the forehead doesn’t reach the floor.


6. Cat and cow

7. Sphinx pose

8. Supported bridge (make sure block is placed under pelvis rather than low back).


9. Reclined twist

10. Savasana