
felixinclusis:<br />
“ webecomelegend: Love Matt van Leeuwen<br />

There is uncertainty in the air and times are strange and volatile.  It’s time we spread some love and kindness, starting with ourselves.  Take some time out of your day for a bit of self-care; listen to your favourite song from start to finish whilst doing nothing, get outside, eat Nutella from the jar, take a warm bath.  I love this self-care list posted by Rachel Johnston and taken from Key Ballah’s ‘Preparing My Daughter For Rain’:

I’ve also been working my way through these bite-sized downloads from one of the teachers I trained with, Anna Ashby:

Rescue Remedies with Anna Ashby: four practices to help with life’s day to day stresses

Here’s a self-love restorative yoga sequence for you to try at home:


1. Begin in easeful rest pose with the knees touching and the feet a bit wider than hip width.

2. Take the knees apart to hip width and with the feet hip width apart roll the knees to the right, pause, and then roll the knees to the other side.  Repeat.



3. Supported child’s pose with a weight on the back of the pelvis.  Aim for the head and pelvis to be the same height.





4. Supta baddha konasana- support under the thigh bones, head and upper back.  You can use bolsters for this or lots of blankets.




5. Legs on chair/edge of the bed with blanket or bolster under hips and a blanket supporting your head and neck.  Make sure your knees come right to the edge of the chair.  You may also want to add an eye bag to the forehead.


Savasana with a Bolster Under the Knees for Low Back Pain Relief


6. Savasana for at least 10 minutes!  A bolster/sleepbag or rolled blanket can be really nice under the knees.



(Images from google)